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Midwestern Region Chapbook Contest Rules and Guidelines

Deadline: November 18, 2017

Midwestern Region is excited to unveil a new project this year: the Midwestern Region Chapbook Contest. We’re encouraging members in the region to create a chapbook of poetry, prose, flash-fiction, musings, memoirs, manifestos, or any other type of creative writing. We want Sigma Tau Delta members to be as creative as possible, showcase their work to the best of their ability, and take matters of production and publishing into their own hands.


Although chapbooks are traditionally collections of poetry, this contest is open to both poetry and creative non-poetry (defined as the submitter chooses). The spirit of a chapbook is not to put any author into a box, but to allow them to write and express, without the restraints or approval of a larger journal or publishing house. Chapbooks are a way for authors to publish their own work and get their name to the public. In other words, chapbooks are a means for authors to find the freedom to exist and be known. Chapbooks may be individual creations featuring the work of a single writer, or they may be collaborative creations featuring the work of a group of writers from the same chapter. Please note that literary arts magazines sponsored by chapters of Sigma Tau Delta are not considered chapbooks and should not be submitted to this contest.


A first, second, and third place prize will be awarded the respective amounts of $150, $100, and $50, which may be applied to the further production and distribution of the chapbook. Even if members do not win, they are encouraged to continue creating and distributing their chapbooks wherever possible, including the International Convention in Cincinnati. Winners will also be recognized on Midwestern Region social media platforms such as Facebook.


  • Entrants must be a current member of a Midwestern Region Sigma Tau Delta Chapter.
  • One (1) entry per person/chapter.
  • Prizes will be mailed in the form of a check; winners will be contacted following the contest’s end and must provide their preferred name and mailing address. Winners must allow their chapbooks to be displayed at the Sigma Tau Delta 2018 International Convention in Cincinnati.
  • Entries must be postmarked by November 18, 2017.
  • A physical chapbook must be mailed to:

    Haley Coburn
    Box 2365
    1200 E Broadway
    Columbia, MO 65215.

  • Participants wishing to have chapbooks returned must include an SASE with sufficient postage.


  • Chapbooks should be between 10 and 30 pages and should contain at least 200 words of verbal text.
  • Chapbooks may be handwritten (legibly) or typed and may include original images.
  • Must provide on a separate sheet in the envelope:
    • Your name
    • Email address
    • Mailing address
    • Name of your school and your Sigma Tau Delta chapter
    • Year inducted into Sigma Tau Delta
    • Position held in organization (i.e., member, chapter secretary, etc.).
  • Chapbook must include the following:
    • Title
    • Author (first and last name)
    • A 3rd-person biographical statement under 50 words. Authors may also include social media handles and links to websites pertaining to their writing.

Evaluation Criteria

Only submissions following the rules and format listed above will be evaluated for an award. Submissions will
be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Well written, representative of the high standards of the Society, and with few or no mechanical or
    grammatical errors;
  • Cohesive and creative design and writing;
  • Chapbook is well crafted by the author
    • Staples are even, work is legible (preferably typed), book is in good condition;
  • Original content (not plagiarized and author owns the rights).