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Induction Ceremonies and Formal Events

Induction ceremony: Xi Delta Chapter, Northern Illinois University, IL (Fall, 2023)

New Member Induction Ceremony

A member's experience in Sigma Tau Delta often depends on the actions of his or her chapter. Formal induction ceremonies emphasize the accomplishment of becoming a member of Sigma Tau Delta. Candidates are not official members until their names have been entered in Write Away, Sigma Tau Delta's online chapter management system, and their one-time international induction fees have been received by and recorded in the Central Office. Membership certificates will be sent electronically, and pins are generally mailed to the Lead Advisor within one week of receipt of payment in the Central Office.

The induction ceremony is a very special event and should be viewed as a dignified celebration of the academic achievement of new members. It encourages continued involvement of all members and recognizes the special camaraderie of Sigma Tau Delta members everywhere. Each chapter is required to have at least one induction a year; some chapters elect to have more. Not all induction ceremonies must be elaborate or formal, but all should respect the honor of being selected for membership. It is entirely appropriate that school officials, faculty, parents, and current local chapter members be present at the induction of students into an honor society of this caliber. The importance of attendance at the ceremony should be stressed.

Installation of Officers Ceremony

New officers should be installed with an appropriate ceremony to impress upon them the seriousness of their undertaking. This ceremony should take place at the end of the school year so that the outgoing officers will be present to welcome and to pass on their legacy to their successors. If the outgoing officers are not available, the Chapter Advisor may perform the duties of the outgoing officers.

Other Formal Events

Chapter Awards Banquet

Many Sigma Tau Delta members receive scholarships and awards and should be recognized by their chapters for their achievements. You can also give some local chapter awards such as "Outstanding New Member" or give service awards for outgoing officers and committee chairs.

Faculty Appreciation Event

Your chapter can recognize the contributions of faculty and departmental staff members to your work. Saying thank you to those who help make your chapter successful can add to the support you receive.

Professor of the Year Award

Members of the chapter vote on who best displays academic and professional excellence while supporting the mission of Sigma Tau Delta. A plaque or certificate may be given, mention made in the departmental newsletter, and an official letter presented. The recipient should be invited to speak at a chapter event.

Graduation Senior Recognition Dinner

Hold this event in the spring. Present graduation cords or stoles to seniors. Give seniors an opportunity to read from their senior thesis. This event may be held in conjunction with an awards banquet.