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EnglishMatters Takeover

Does your chapter have an event planned that you would like to showcase and share with the entire Society? It is time to become a celebrity for a day! Chapters may now request to take over one or more of the Society social media accounts to cover chapter activities, such as conferences, fundraising events, holiday activities, and public readings.

Curious about what a takeover might look like? Check out Shelly Romero's Snapchat takeover at the Midwestern Region conference at Western Illinois University.

To begin, please provide answers for the following questions:

Fill out my online form.

*For those who wish to take over Snapchat they will be expected to work with the Central Office in creating an event Geofilter. This article gives a nice overview of what is involved in creating a Geofilter.

Leading up to the takeover the chapter will coordinate with the Central Office to plan and promote the takeover. This may include creating a poster to display during the event that announces/promotes the takeover and encourages attendees to follow Sigma Tau Delta on social media. On the day of the takeover the chapter will be provided with a temporary password to gain access to the desired account(s).

Takeovers should be opened with a welcome post and concluded with a post encouraging followers to request a takeover of their own.