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Sigma Tau Delta Journals

Annually, Sigma Tau Delta publishes two journals to distribute the best writing and criticism produced by active members of the Society.

Undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled through the spring semester and are members of active Sigma Tau Delta chapters are invited to submit their work to the Sigma Tau Delta Review and the Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle. Chapter Advisors, faculty members, alumni, and honorary members are not eligible to submit.

Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle (founded in 1931) is an annual journal of creative writing—fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Submissions should not exceed 2,500 words. Members whose works are published also may participate in a reading at the annual Sigma Tau Delta convention.

Sigma Tau Delta Review (founded in 2005) is an annual journal that publishes critical essays on literature and rhetoric/composition and essays devoted to pedagogical topics. Submissions should not exceed 3,000 words, excluding notes and works cited. Critical essays follow the style guidelines as defined in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (latest edition).

Current and Past Publications

Submission Dates

Submissions for the Sigma Tau Delta journals are accepted during the Spring Awards Cycle. See the Awards Overview page for the submission windows.

Publication and Awards

These two journals are refereed, with faculty reviewers from around the world selecting works to be published. The journals have had illustrious head judges including Jane Brox, Henri Cole, Jim Daniels, W.D. Earhardt, CJ Hribal, Kyoko Mori, Lisa Russ Spaar, and Mako Yoshikawa.

The Sigma Tau Delta journals are catalogued with the Library of Congress.

The best writings in each category are acknowledged with five awards (each $500):

  • E. Nelson James Poetry Award
  • Eleanor B. North Poetry Award
  • Frederic Fadner Critical Essay Award
  • Herbert L. Hughes Short Story Award
  • Elizabeth Holtze Creative Nonfiction Award

Award Winners

View: Past Award Winners