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WORDY by Nature Blog

WORDY by NatureWORDY by Nature, the official blog of Sigma Tau Delta, serves as a platform for in-depth conversation and exploration of ideas related to Society life. Written by Deltans, for Deltans, WORDY by Nature spotlights noteworthy activities and accomplishments by chapters and individual members, provides advice and insights from Sigma Tau Delta leadership, and offers each region an opportunity to showcase the unique literary landscape of their corner of the world.


Sigma Tau Delta accepts submissions throughout the year from all membership categories (students, Advisors, and alumni). If you are interested in submitting a blog, please read the Suggested Guidelines below to check if your topic is a good fit and to verify your article is correctly formatted. Email any questions and all submissions to:



  • Inspire appreciation of words, language, and literature
  • Further, promote, or highlight one of the objectives of the Society:

    • Confer distinction for high achievement in English language and literature in undergraduate, graduate, and professional studies;
    • Provide, through its local chapters, cultural stimulation on college campuses and promote interest in literature and the English language in surrounding communities;
    • Foster all aspects of the discipline of English, including literature, language, and writing;
    • Promote exemplary character and good fellowship among its members;
    • Exhibit high standards of academic excellence; and
    • Serve society by fostering literacy.
  • Provide original content (don’t duplicate the website)
  • Share relevant and useful information for Society members
  • Have a takeaway or key thought for members
  • Include a call to action or a question that promotes conversation


  • Logical, clear, and accurate
  • Written from a personal perspective (1st person narrative)
  • Informative and/or persuasive in nature
  • Utilize multimedia (pictures, videos, and web links)
  • Well written, professional, and representative of the high standards of the Society
  • Follow Sigma Tau Delta Writing and Editing Guidelines


  • Simple
  • Descriptive
  • Eye-catching, grab the reader’s attention
  • Meet a need (the reader feels like he/she needs to read it)
  • Use “Keywords
  • No more than 800 words (300-600 is ideal)
  • Head shots required from all authors
  • Authors must provide contact information such as email, chapter website, chapter Facebook, personal or chapter blog, etc.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Quality of writing
  • Adherence to guidelines 
  • Use of multimedia 
  • Reader interaction (page views, Facebook likes, shares, link backs, etc.)

Regional Blogs

  • Content on regional blogs should be regional in nature, while still adhering to general blog guidelines

Blog Content Keywords

Academic Conference, Annual International Convention, Banned Books, Better World Books, Calls for Submissions, Common Reader, Convention Stories, Donation Drives, Field Trips, Fundraising, Jobs and Careers, Member Recruitment, Membership Opportunities, NEHS for High Schools, Partnerships, Readings/Open Mics, Service, Volunteerism, Writing & Publishing