February 29 - March 3 • New Orleans Marriott • New Orleans, LA


Student Leadership Stairs
Student Leadership at the Court of the Two Sisters restaurant (fall 2011)

Chatham University, Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter's 2011 Convention Display
Chatham University, Alpha Delta Lambda Chapter's 2011 Convention Display

American University of Kuwait, Alpha Rho Eta Chapter's 2011 Convention Display
American University of Kuwait, Alpha Rho Eta Chapter's 2011 Convention Display

Alvernia University, Kappa Pi Chapter's 2011 Convention Display
Alvernia University, Kappa Pi Chapter's 2011 Convention Display

"When else do you get to meet people from all over the world who are happy to laugh at your literary jokes or join you in writing a poem about the way you almost got smashed by the elevator doors?" Read complete story.

Amy L. Woody
Alpha Eta Sigma Chapter
Westfield State Univ., Westfield, MA
2011 Convention

Student Leadership Events

Student Leadership
Student Leaders touring and eating in New Orleans (fall 2011).

Tweet the Convention Contest

Open Mic

Wednesday Night

Join the Student Leaders for Open Mic Night. Step up to the mic and share your original works with an appreciative audience, or just come to hear some truly creative pieces.

Student Leadership Workshops

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

Are you interested in learning more about the highly valued transferable skills you've acquired as a critical thinker and writer? Are you preparing to apply for graduate school and wonder what exactly a personal statement is? Would you like to share your successful and not-so-successful ways to retain and recruit members? Are you stumped on how to connect with other chapters in your region?

If you've answered "yes!" to any of these questions, the Student Leadership Workshops are a valuable resource for you and your chapter. All panels will have a largely focused discussion component where you will be able to participate rather than just be given information. If you are interested in a workshop and would like to get involved at any level, please email Allie Reznik at sigmatd.sa2@gmail.com. We look forward to your insight!

Leadership workshops are presented by Sigma Tau Delta Student Advisors (SAs), Student Representatives (SRs), Associate Student Representatives (ASRs), and Alumni Representatives (ARs).

"English Majors Beyond English"
Thursday, March 1, 9:30 a.m. (Carondelet)
Meet with current student leadership to discuss your anxieties about deciding on a career path, learn from participants who studied English and went into different fields, and brainstorm with participants on potential futures for English majors.
Ashlyn Wells, SR, Janine Brooks, SR, Deborah Dessaso, AR

"Graduate School How-To"
Friday, March 2, 9:30 a.m. (Carondelet)
Regardless of where you find yourself in the application process, from choosing schools, to writing a personal statement and writing sample, to already being in graduate school, this panel is for you. Join our collaborative discussion on the anxieties and successes of graduate school.
Joseph Asbury, ASR, Allie Martin, ASR, MeKoi Scott, SR

"Officers Roundtable"
Friday, March 2, 4:45 p.m. (Carondelet)
Current and potential student leaders can attend this workshop to discuss various topics and concerns as well as connect with chapters within and outside of your region. This workshop is broad for a reason-- we want to hear what your needs and concerns are!
Alexandra Reznik, SA, and Kelsey Hixson-Bowles, SA

"Building Interchapter Relations"
Saturday, March 3, 9:30 a.m. (Carondelet)
Collaborating with chapters, especially when chapters are logistically far and funding is increasingly difficult to maintain, can pose a real challenge. In this session we will be discussing how chapters can effectively use more innovative ways to connect.
Sarah Faulkner, SR, Jolie Hicks, SR, Katherine Williams, ASR

"Recruitment and Retention"
Saturday, March 3, 1:45 p.m. (Carondelet)
Participating chapters will work collaboratively to create a "chapter mission" in order to explain to potential members what your chapter hopes to accomplish. We will be exchanging ideas on recruiting and retention practices that have been successful and what has not worked.
Amy Woody, SR, Karissa Hernandez, ASR, Nick Miller, ASR

Informal Regional Caucuses


Meet with your elected regional representatives one on one. Learn what is going on in your region, meet the candidates for regional office (or decide to run yourself), network with other chapters, and have a chance to give your input. Those interested in running for office or who would like more information about upcoming elections please email Allie Reznik at sigmatd.sa2@gmail.com.

NOTE: Attendance at the Informal Regional Caucus is now required, in addition to attendance at the General Business Meeting and Formal Regional Caucus, in order for chapters to receive the $200 reimbursement ($400 for non-continental U.S. chapters).

Dry T-shirt and Bad Poetry Contest

Thursday Night

Get ready for some side-splitting fun as chapters with shirts to sell promote them with funny skits. Props and costumes are encouraged. After that, convention attendees bring you the best and worst in bad poetry. Think the love poem you wrote in third grade is worse than Vogon poetry? Enter it in the competition and you might just win a prize.

General Business Meeting and Regional Caucuses


Don’t miss this opportunity to participate on the regional and Society levels of Sigma Tau Delta. The General Business Meeting and Regional Caucuses are where our chapters elect Sigma Tau Delta’s next generation of leaders. To encourage your chapter to participate, every chapter with an official voting student delegate present at a) the Informal Regional Caucus (Thursday), b) the General Business Meeting (Friday), and c) the Regional Caucus (Friday) is eligible to receive a $200 reimbursement ($400 for non-continental U.S. chapters).

Host Chapter Event

Friday Night

Stay in for an event sponsored by Student Leadership and host chapter Tulane University.

Student Leadership Reception

Saturday Afternoon

Join the Student Leaders for some complimentary non-alcoholic refreshments (and a cash bar for those who are over 21 and so inclined) and friendly conversation before the Red & Black Gala Dinner and Convention Awards.

Student Leadership Committee

Alexandra Reznik, Student Advisor 
Kelsey Kixson-Bowles, Student Advisor
Amy Woody, SR, Eastern Region
Sarah Faulkner, SR, Far Western Region
Janine Brooks, SR, High Plains Region
Ashlyn Wells, SR, Midwestern Region
Karisa Hernandez, ASR, Midwestern Region
MeKoi William Scott, SR, Southern Region
Allie Martin, ASR, Southern Region
Jolie Hicks, SR, Southwestern Region
Katherin Williams, ASR, Southwestern Region
Deborah Dessaso, AR, Alumni Epsilon Chapter
Lauren Brandeberry, AAR, Alumni Epsilon Chapter