Guidelines for Requesting Regents Funds for Midwestern Regional Events
If your local chapter of Sigma Tau Delta is a sole or leading sponsor of a regional academic conference during the 2016-2017 academic year, you may be eligible to receive a modest contribution from the Regents Funds to help support your event. To be eligible, please provide a 300-500 word request that includes the following information:
1. When and where will the conference be held, and how many participants are expected to attend?
2. Is this conference open to undergraduate and graduate students? Are abstract proposals peer reviewed? (If you have created a website for the conference, please include the link.)
3. What role will the local chapter of Sigma Tau Delta have in running the event? Is the local chapter the sole or leading sponsor of the event? If there are other sponsors of the conference, please list them.
4. If you receive Regents Funds to help support your event, how will you use the funds? Please be as specific as possible.
5. Will there be any special sessions or activities (e.g., workshops) held for members of Sigma Tau Delta during the conference? This is not a requirement, but is encouraged.
6. Include the name of the Chapter Sponsor of the local chapter running the conference, and the name of the primary contact person(s) for the conference.
Please note that Sigma Tau Delta Regents Funds are limited and running an academic conference can be very costly; Regents Funds should be viewed only as a supplement to the primary sources of income for your event. Also, if you receive Regents Funds, please note that fact in the advertising and/or program of the conference, and make sure to send a copy of the conference program to your Regent.
Submit the request to Magdelyn Helwig,
These guidelines also may be adapted for other kinds of activities.