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Outstanding Chapter Award (up to $500 and a plaque)

About the Award

Sigma Tau Delta's Outstanding Chapter Award is designed to recognize local chapters that have exhibited outstanding motivation, creativity, and service in the preceding year. Award recipients will receive a check for up to $500 and a plaque. Winning chapters may also receive up to $350 in travel assistance for sending at least one student representative to the annual convention and bringing a chapter exhibit.


Any active chapter is eligible to apply for an Outstanding Chapter Award, but no chapter may receive an Outstanding Chapter Award in consecutive years. Active chapters are also eligible to apply for a Service Award and/or a Chapter Service Project Grant and may use relevant information assembled for the Outstanding Chapter Award application when applying for a Service Award and/or a Project Grant. Specific application requirements are posted with each award description.

How to Apply

AwardSpring Logo
Applications for the Outstanding Chapter Award are accepted through AwardSpring. The link to access the Sigma Tau Delta AwardSpring platform will be posted on the AwardSpring Application informational page of our website once the Summer Awards Cycle opens.

If you are using AwardSpring for the first time, you must create an account by clicking "Register." If you have used AwardSpring previously, you should use login using your email address and existing password.

Required Materials

1. Provide a written narrative, not to exceed 750 words, describing your chapter, including
  • List of any chapter activities or events that are not covered on the Chapter Annual Report form
  • List of any honors received by the chapter or by student members of the chapter
  • Description of chapter programs designed for the university and/or community
  • Description of cooperative programs with other local or national honor societies, or other Sigma Tau Delta chapter
  • Descriptions of participation in regional or international Sigma Tau Delta conferences and conventions
  • Description of any other activities that you believe are relevant and important

2. Chapter Annual Report for the current year (Save a PDF copy at the completion of your survey report.)

3. Upload up to three (3) items of supporting documentation in Word (doc or docx) or in PDF. Examples: flyers, news stories, playbills, photos, web links, journals. Give each supporting item a title that identifies the type of artifact.


See the Awards Overview page for the Outstanding Chapter Award application window.