
Hyatt Regency St. Louis at The Arch

2010 Convention Hotel -
Hyatt Regency St. Louis at The Arch

"I got to be around some of the best people in the world. I was skeptical when I first signed on to go to this convention, but I am now hooked. "

Stefanie Torres
Alpha Nu Lambda Chapter, St. Edwards University
2009 Convention
Read complete story.

Members the night of the 2009 Convnetion  Awards Banquet

Members meet following the 2009 Convention Awards Banquet
(above and below).

Members 2009 Convention

Travel Funds

Fundraising is a necessary activity for every Sigma Tau Delta chapter. According to Dr. Robert Halli at The University of Alabama, “You increase your chances for success in soliciting funds from campus sources if you can convince these sources it is to their benefit to give you funds—that they will get more out of it in publicity and prestige than they invest in capital.”

Solicit Funds

Solicit funds from your English Department, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Student Government, Student Affairs, Dean, Provost, President, and chapter alumni.

Have a Fundraiser

Reimbursements and Discounts

Voting Delegate Reimbursement

Each attending chapter will receive a reimbursement check of $200 ($400 for chapters outside of the continental US) if the chapter sends a student delegate to the General Business Session and to the Regional Caucus held on Friday, March 19. Checks are mailed shortly after the convention.

Registration Fees

Early Registration (through February 21)
$60 for student presenters
$70 for student nonpresenters, faculty, alumni, and guests

Late Registration (after February 21 through March 7)
$85 for everyone

On-Site Registration
$95 for everyone