
2009 Student Leadership Workshop

2009 Student Leadership Workshop (above/below).

Leaadership Workshop

Students gather at a restaurant during the 2009 Convention (below)

Students gather at a restaurant.

“Throughout the convention, I learned from others. I learned from their mistakes but also learned from their successes.”

Amy Anderson
Theta Omicron Chapter, Union University
2008 Convention
Read complete story.


Student Leadership Workshop

Mastering Your Narrative:
Stories of Leadership and Service

Thursday, March 18, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. (Regency E)

A leadership workshop presented by Sigma Tau Delta Student Advisors (SAs), Student Representatives (SRs), and Associate Student Representatives (ASRs)

Click on links for Session Handouts

9:00 - 9:15 a.m.
Welcome and Introductions (Regency E)

Stephanie Schiefelbein and Lauren Brandeberry, SAs

9:20 - 10:00 a.m.
Session 1

Publishing (Regency E)
Get tips for successfully managing a literary journal at your school. Lauren Brandeberry, SA, Alyssa DeCaulp, SR, Stephen Heiner, SR,  Helena Witzke, ASR, and Elisabeth Wright, ASR

Membership Opportunities (Sterling 9)
Make the most of your Sigma Tau Delta membership with information on scholarships, internships, and more. Stephanie Schiefelbein, SA, Chris Wike, SR, and Sarah Heckman, ASR

Service (Mills 3)
Learn how to implement a successful service project with information about service organizations and project grants. Ashley Brossart, SR, Michal Roberson, SR, and Jeniffer Smith, ASR

Guests: Linda Wells and Travis Babb, Eta Chi Chapter, University of Idaho Mary Murphy, Better World Books

10:05 - 10:45 a.m.
Session 2

Technology (Regency E)
Discover how to make the most of technology to benefit your local chapter. Lauren Brandeberry, SA, Ken Marrott, SR, and Elisabeth Wright, ASR

Student Leadership (Sterling 9)
Want to get involved on the national level? Learn about leadership positions available for Sigma Tau Delta members. Stephanie Schiefelbein, SA, Andrew Moser, AR, Alyssa DeCaulp, SR, Stephen Heiner, SR, Chris Wike, SR, Sarah Heckman, ASR, and Helena Witzke, ASR

Fundraising (Mills3)
Get useful advice and concrete ideas for your chapter's fundraising efforts. Ashley Brossart, SR, Michal Roberson, SR, Randi Dockter, ASR, and Jeniffer Smith, ASR

Guests: Representatives of the Phi Chapter, Minot State University (ND), Mary Murphy, Better World Books

10:50 - 11:00 a.m.
Closing Session and Wrap-up (Regency E)

The Student Leadership Committee would like to extend their appreciation to participating chapters and sponsors for their invaluable contributions to the 2010 Leadership Workshop.

Stephanie Schiefelbein, Student Advisor 
Lauren Brandeberry, Student Advisor
Christopher Wike, SR, Eastern Region
Sarah Heckman, ASR, Eastern Region
Kenneth Marrott, SR, Far Western Region
Jessica Bobango, ASR, Far Western Region
Ashley Brossart, SR, High Plains Region
Randi Dockter, ASR, High Plains Region
Stephen Heiner, SR, Midwestern Region
Helena Witzke, ASR, Midwestern Region
Jeniffer Smith, ASR, Southern Region
Alyssa DeCaulp, SR, Southwestern Region
Elisabeth Wright, ASR, Southwestern Region
Andrew Moser, AR, Alumni Epsilon Chapter