
Paper and Panel Submissions


Submission Link
for Papers and Panels

Online Account Set-Up


Submission Guidelines

- Submission Instructions


- Submission Guidelines

- Submission Instructions

The deadline for paper and panel submissions is Friday, November 20, 2009, 11:59 p.m.

Papers and Panels: Overview

NEW: Online Paper/Panel Submissions

Sigma Tau Delta is going green. In our efforts to become more sustainable, the 2010 Convention papers and panel proposals will only be accepted online. Please read through all applicable guidelines prior to submitting your work.

Call for Papers and Panels

Paper Guidelines and Submission Instructions

Panel Guidelines and Submission Instructions

Submission Deadline

The deadline for paper and panel submissions is Friday, November 20, 2009, 11:59 p.m.

Convention Registration

Everyone attending the convention, including presenters and panelists, must register for the convention. Those registering by February 21, will receive an early registration discount. Those registering after the early registration deadline will pay the full fee. See convention registration for details.


Email Convention Chair, Carrie Fitzpatrick at SigmaTauDeltaConvention@gmail.com.