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Tentative List of Presenters

Tips for Presenting a Paper

Email: Convention Chair Carrie Fitzpatrick

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is involved in the judging process? What do the scores mean? What about the feedback?

  2. What are the basic guidelines for giving a presentation at an academic convention?

  3. If I was accepted conditionally, what does that mean?

  4. If my work wasn’t accepted for presentation, are there any other ways I can participate in the convention?

  5. Why weren’t sponsors copied on the notification letters?

  6. When will the program be available so that I know when I will be presenting?

  7. I heard that the convention this year would have an Opening Ceremony and a Red and Black Gala. Could you explain these events a bit more?

  8. Will participants have any free time to explore St. Louis?

  9. I heard that the 2010 Convention is making an effort to “go green” in a variety of ways. What is the Society doing for this effort, and how can I help?

1. What is involved in the judging process? What do the scores mean? What about the feedback?

This was the first year that Sigma Tau Delta used an electronic submission system. The convention judging was conducted via blind review. Approximately 30 faculty members from a variety of colleges and universities judged close to 900 submissions for the 2010 Convention. Due to the record number of submissions and the volunteer time asked of the judges to read and score entries, feedback on individual entries was not required. However, several judges did provide some commentary, when possible. Please keep in mind that most academic conferences and conventions do not provide any feedback for submissions other than acceptance and/or denial letters. Any commentary that was provided for submissions was limited by the electronic system’s 250-character restriction.

The judges used the criteria, weighting, and guidelines listed below. The electronic system only records the overall score.

General Judging Criteria & Weighting:
Content, Organization, Purpose = 40%
Style, Originality, Voice = 40%
Grammar, Punctuation, Mechanics = 20%

Scoring Scale (to be used within the electronic system):
Excellent = 500
Good = 400
Satisfactory = 300
Poor = 200
Unsatisfactory = 100

2. What are the basic guidelines for giving a presentation at an academic convention?

All presenters should practice delivering their works to stay within the 8-15 minute time frame. Paper presenters may need to cut down paper length to stay within the 15-minute presentation maximum. Poetry and short prose presenters may need to provide explanation and/or context for a work to meet the 8-minute presentation minimum. All presenters are expected to dress in business attire. All revision should be completed in collaboration with a faculty member. If time permits, a question-answer period follows the session. View additional tips on presenting.

3. If I was accepted conditionally, what does that mean?

Conditionally accepted works illustrate merit for presentation but require additional revision prior to presentation at the convention. All revision should be completed in collaboration with a faculty member.

4. If my work wasn’t accepted for presentation, are there any other ways I can participate in the convention?

Yes. Absolutely. The convention chair is in need of students to chair sessions by introducing the individual speakers within a session. Moreover, convention organizers often need help at the registration desk. Lastly, all convention attendees are encouraged to present original work during the open mic night of the convention.

5. Why weren’t sponsors copied on the notification letters?

The new electronic submission system does not provide the option of copying chapter sponsors.

6. When will the program be available so that I know when I will be presenting?

Please see Program Schedule of Concurrent Sessions.

7. I heard that the convention this year would have an Opening Ceremony and a Red and Black Gala. Could you explain these events a bit more?

The Opening Ceremony will celebrate the start of the convention by highlighting several of the key events, providing basic convention information, introducing the first speaker, Li-Young Lee, and presenting The Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle Readings. The first evening will end with a dance party.

The Red and Black Gala will occur on the last night of the convention to celebrate the end of several days of academic discourse, stimulating speakers, and fun events. The event will be a catered social affair with banquet-style food stations, music, and cash bar. The Gala will lead into the Awards Ceremony and conclude with a dessert reception. Participants are encouraged to wear the society's colors, red and black, and/or to wear honor cords.

8. Will participants have any free time to explore St. Louis?

Yes. Some extra time was built in for a bit of exploration during lunch and dinner. Additionally, participants are encouraged to stay on Sunday for a variety of optional tours and sightseeing. Please visit St. Louis Highlights and St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission for additional information about exploring St. Louis.

9. I heard that the 2010 Convention is making an effort to "go green" in a variety of ways. What is the Society doing for this effort, and how can I help?

The 2010 Sigma Tau Delta Convention eliminated a significant amount of paper consumption by moving the judging, submission, and notification process to an electronic system, and moderator packets were eliminated. Furthermore, convention folders and handouts were removed by placing the information within the convention program. Finally, name badges will be recycled, recycling bins will be set up throughout the venue, and leftover food will be donated to local homeless shelters and/or food banks.