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Communications Committee


  1. To review and evaluate policies and procedures pertaining to all Society publications in both print and electronic forms.
  2. To oversee the website and to explore options for coordinating communications both in hardcopy and online.
  3. To review policies and procedures pertaining to The Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle and Review and writing awards.
  4. In light of the Global Crisis, re-evaluate committee tasks and responsibilities so as to use Society resources, reducing costs where possible.


Carie King, Co-Chair/Editor of Society Publications
Kassia Krone, Co-Chair/High Plains Regent

Lexey Bartlett President Board Member
Amy Gates Midwestern Regent Board Member
Autumn Koors-Foltz  Senior Student Advisor Board Member
Alexandra Gonzales
Associate Alumni Representative Board Affiliate
Namon Kent
Director of Technology Central Office
Katie Mudd
Dir. of Comm. & Marketing Central Office
Deanna Aniles
High Plains ASR Board Affiliate
Sophia Jockell
Southern SR Board Affiliate