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Convention Committee


  1. To plan, coordinate, and publicize the annual international convention.
  2. To make recommendations about site selection, budget, speakers, registration fees, common reader, academic and anniversary awards, convention awards, and any other matters related to the convention.
  3. To nominate convention speakers for honor membership in the Society.
  4. In light of the Global Crisis, re-evaluate committee tasks and responsibilities so as to use Society resources, reducing costs where possible.


Leigh Dillard, Vice President/President Elect, Co-Chair
Shannin Schroeder, Immediate Past President, Co-Chair
Kevin Stemmler, Officer at Large, Co-Chair

Autumn Koors-Foltz Senior Student Advisor Board Member
Michaelann Nelson Far Western Regent Board Member
Tiffany Nolde Alumni Representative Board Affiliate
Alexandra Gonzales Associate Alumni Representative Board Affiliate
Crystal Dilling Southwestern SR Board Affliate
Carmen Lok Southwestern ASR Board Affliate
Lucy Perry Eastern ASR Board Affliate
Matt Hlinak Executive Director Central Office
Namon Kent Director of Technology Central Office
Katie Mudd Director of Marketing Central Office
Donna Newsome Secretary/Historian Sigma Kappa Delta
Bradley Sides Editor of Publications Sigma Kappa Delta
Emad Mirmotahari Duquesne Advisor Non-Board