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Regents Committee


  1. To share Best Practices among Regents and Regions.
  2. To plan and run Advisors’ Events at the Annual Convention: workshops, social events, events for New Advisors, Breakfast or Luncheon events, or roundtables.
  3. To discuss / brainstorm effective recruitment, selection, and training for student leaders: SAs, SRs and ASRs.
  4. To administer the Common Reader awards, the Outstanding Chapter and Outstanding Chapter Advisor awards, and to explore new awards to encourage chapter, inter-chapter, or regional programming.
  5. In light of the Global Crisis, re-evaluate committee tasks and responsibilities so as to use Society resources, reducing costs where possible.


Kassia Krone, High Plains Regent (interim), Co-Chair
Felicia Steele, Eastern Regent, Co-Chair

Sonia Mae Brown Southwestern Regent Board Member
Any Gates Midwestern Regent Board Member
Michaelann Nelson Far Western Regent Board Member
Heidi Williams Southern Regent Board Member
Serena Richards National Regent Sigma Kappa Delta
Namon Kent Director of Technology Central Office
Jeannine Szostak Director of Society Operations Central Office
Mary Clai Jones High Plains Regent* Board Member