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Student Leadership Committee


  1. To provide the students' voice within the Society.
  2. To serve as liaison between student membership and the Board, and to recruit and help train future student leaders.
  3. To promote and encourage local chapter activities.
  4. To encourage participation in state, regional, and international events.
  5. In consultation with the Regents, to advise the Board and Central Office on methods to recruit and re-activate local chapters.
  6. To assist the Convention Chair by introducing or hosting speakers; organizing Student Leadership events or workshops, especially workshops that highlight service; and volunteering at Convention Registration or for other Convention-related tasks.
  7. In light of the Global Crisis, re-evaluate committee tasks and responsibilities so as to use Society resources, reducing costs where possible.


Autumn Koors Foltz, Senior Student Advisor
Kelly Taylor, Junior Student Advisor

Deanna Aniles High Plains ASR Board Affiliate
Zach Brady Far Western SR Board Affiliate
Matthew Chinique Eastern SR Board Affiliate
Crystal Dilling Southwestern SR Board Affiliate
Arista Elderkin Southern ASR Board Affiliate
Sophia Jockell Southern SR Board Affiliate
Carmen Lok Southwestern ASR Board Affiliate
Jo Mahlum Midwestern SR Board Affiliate
Emily Palmisano Midwestern ASR Board Affiliate
Lucy Perry Eastern ASR Board Affiliate
Isaiah Russel High Plains SR Board Affiliate
Kaylee Jo Stocks Far Western ASR Board Affiliate