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Partnerships Committee


  1. To encourage and publicize service activities of chapters, particularly activities on literacy, broadly defined.
  2. To work toward an acceptance of service as a major component of the Sigma Tau Delta experience, and to work with the Convention Chair and Student Leadership to develop convention roundtables on service.
  3. To explore possibilities for Society partnerships with organizations, foundations, and businesses.
  4. To coordinate the internship application processes with Penguin and NCTE, working with the Scholarship Committee as needed.
  5. In light of the Global Crisis, re-evaluate committee tasks and responsibilities so as to use Society resources, reducing costs where possible.


Felicia Steele, Eastern Regent

Michaelann Nelson Far Western Regent Board Member
Kevin Stemmler Officer at Large Board Member
Kelly Taylor Junior Student Advisor Board Member
Tiffany Nolde Alumni Representatiive  Board Affiliate
Chris Lockwood NEHS Executive Director Board Affiliate
Matthew Chinique Eastern SR Board Affiliate
Kaylee Jo Stocks Far Western ASR Board Affiliate
Jesscia McCole Project Coordinator Central Office
Donna Newsome Secretary/Historian Sigma Kappa Delta
Bradley Sides Sigma Kappa Delta